Season 3 (Episode 23)
Air Date: 3 March 1971
Writer: Adrian Spies
Director: Paul Stanley
After Emily Workman is found murdered, McGarrett must find a boy who could have seen the murderer. The problem is that the boy’s over-protective father, who happens to be a famous baseball player, is not being very helpful.
Recurring Actors/Characters
Richard Denning (Governor), Peggy Ryan (Jenny)
Guest Stars
Pernell Roberts (Lon Phillips), Don Chastain (Lou Horton), Barry Atwater (Lester Workman), Elliott Street (Gary Phillips), Jock Mahoney (Coley Bennett), Josie Over (Horton’s Girl), Tim Tindall (Holbrook), Laola Ohai (Tour Guide), Electra Gailas (Emily Workman)
Notable Guest Stars
Jock Mahoney | Josie Over | Pernell Roberts |
Elliott Street |
Production Number: 1729-0305
Episode Notes
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