Season 2 (Episode 23)
Air Date: 4 March 1964
Writer: Dean Riesner
Director: Charles Rondeau
Recurring Actors/Characters
Roberta Shore (Betsy), Randy Boone (Randy), L.Q. Jones (Belden)
Guest Stars
Darren McGavin (Mark Troxell), Hugh Marlowe (Clay Billings), David Macklin (Eddie Tighe), David Carradine (The Utah Kid), Mickey Simpson (Bear Bristow), Frances Morris (Mrs. Moran), Roy Engel (Joe Moran), E.J. André (Alex), Iron Eyes Cody (Black Feather), Rodd Redwing (The Indian Brave), David McMahon (The Conductor), Larry Perron (Indio)
Production Notes
- Doug McClure and Gary Clarke do not appear in this episode
- Song: Greensleeves (Traditional English Folk Song)
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