Season 12 (Episode 10)
Air Date: 18 December 1979
Writer: James Menzies
Director: Robert L. Morrison
Recurring Actors/Characters
Laura Sode (Luana)
Guest Stars
Cathy Lee Crosby (Dr. Karen Lynch), Don Knight (George Lamb), Charles Peck (Dr. Cooper), Emma Veary (Singer), Elizabeth Smith (Landlady), William Verdier (Addison Bower), Edward Larry Akau (The Kahuna), Fred Lerner (Turley), Kamalei Sataraka (Woman), Winston Char (Coroner), Doug Mossman (Chief Kaana), Barton McCollough (HPD Bomb Officer), Terry Plunkett (Barber)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0912
Production Notes
- Sharon Farrell and Herman Wedemeyer do not appear in this episode
Episode Notes
- Businesses: Lamb’s Emporium; Oahu Power Co.; Lono Bay Sand and Gravel Co. – A Division of Trans-Allied Shipping Industries
- Locations: Lono Bay; Queen Emma Clinics
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