Bonanza – The Lady from Baltimore

The Lady from Baltimore

Season 3 (Episode 17)

Air Date: 14 January 1962

Writer: Elliott Arnold

Director: John Peyser

Deborah Banning, the wife of an old friend of Ben’s comes to the Ponderosa on a visit with her daughter Melinda. Deborah’s plan is to marry off Melinda to one of Ben’s sons and fabricates a story to make Melinda more appealing. When Deborah decides that Melinda should marry Joe, things don’t go as plan when Melinda finds that she prefers Joe’s older brother Adam and Horace Banning turns up unexpectedly.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Victor Sen Yung (Hop Sing)

Guest Stars
Mercedes McCambridge (Deborah Banning), Audrey Dalton (Melinda Banning), Hayden Rorke (Horace Banning), Robert Adler (Coachman)

Notable Guest Stars

Audrey DaltonAudrey Dalton
Mercedes McCambridgeMercedes McCambridge
Hayden RorkeHayden Rorke

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwrights: Joe, Ben and Adam


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