Season 5 (Episode 12)
Air Date: 7 January 1992
Writer: Matt Harris
Director: Larry Hagman
Recurring Actors/Characters
Denise Nicholas (Harriet DeLong), Crystal Fox (Luann Corbin), Tonea Stewart (Aunt Etta), Dee Shaw (Officer Dee)
Guest Stars
Hunter Von Leer (Keen Philbrick), Chris Lobhan (Bobby Johnson), Aklam (Ernie), Gary Yates (Herbie Marr), Mary Holloway (Mrs. Reeves), Jozie Hill (Lizzie Marr), Janice White Nelson (Aunt Barbarella), Afemo Omilami (Jimmy Dawes), Bill Steis (Ed), Georgia Allen (Housekeeper), Romonda Sharer (Chrissy Rice)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Notes
- Carroll O’Connor wrote this episode using the pseudonym Matt Harris
Episode Notes
- Location: Kenard, Mississippi
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