Season 3 (Episode 10)
Air Date: 18 November 1970
Writers: Jerry Ludwig and Eric Bercovici
Director: Paul Stanley
When a friend of Steve’s is implicated in a bombing of a sewerage treatment plant, Five-O investigate to find out what really happened.
Recurring Actors/Characters
Harry Endo (Che Fong), Peggy Ryan (Jenny)
Guest Stars
Ray Danton (Jimmy Nuanu), Paul Stewart (Colfax), Tom Fujiwara (Eddie), Bruce Wilson (Lyons), Terry Plunkett (Charlie – Bartender), Dan Jacques Kaleikini (Joey Nuanu), Richard Morrison (Professor Hale), Robert Harker (Sgt. Dobbs), Robert Luck (Zane), Steve Merrick (Sutton), Mitch Mitchell (Phelps), Wallace Landford (Briggs)
Production Number: 1729-0314
Episode Notes
- Location: Ilikai Hotel – Canoe House
- Business: Colfax Corporation