Bonanza – The Last Hunt

Season 1 (Episode 15)

Air Date: 19 December 1959

Writer: Donald S. Sanford

Director: Christian Nyby

While Hoss and Joe are on hunting trip they find an injured Indian girl, who is heavily pregnant. Having no choice but to stay with her until she has the baby, Joe and Hoss begin to question why she isn’t with her tribe. It is not until the baby is born that they realise there is more to the situation then they first thought.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Victor Sen Yung (Hop Sing)

Guest Stars
Chana Eden (Shoshoni Girl), Raymond Bailey (Sumner Kyle), Steve Terrell (Jason Kyle), Carlyle Mitchell (Doctor)

Notable Guest Stars

Raymond BaileyRaymond Bailey
Chana EdenChana Eden

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwrights: Hoss and Joe


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