Season 12 (Episode 1)
Air Date: 13 September 1970
Writer: John Hawkins
Director: William Wiard
Recurring Actors/Characters
Ray Teal (Roy Coffee), Bing Russell (Clem Foster), Lou Frizzell (Dusty Rhodes)
Guest Stars
Angel Tompkins (Janie Lund), Phil Brown (Wade Tucker), Edith Atwater (Roberta Lund), Jon Shank (Tim Moss), Mark Tapscott (Hamilton), Lane Bradford (Ira), William Fawcett (Whiskey Smith), Mona Burns (Mrs. Carter), Stuart Nisbet (Evans), Paul Kent (Dr. Martin)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Notes
- This episode was developed in order to disguise the move from the Paramount Studios set to the Warner Brothers set. Virginia City had to be “destroyed” in order to explain the new buildings and town set-up.
Episode Notes
- Featured Cartwrights: Ben and Joe
- One of the few episodes to have both Sheriff Roy Coffee and Deputy Clem Foster appearing together
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