Hawaii Five-O – The One With The Gun

The One With The Gun

Season 2 (Episode 19)

Air Date: 28 January 1970

Writer: Robert C. Dennis

Director: Murray Golden

McGarrett has to deal with the brother of a murdered man, who is out for revenge.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Peggy Ryan (Jenny)

Guest Stars
John Colicos (Lorenzo Corman), Julie Gregg (Maggie Corman), Jack Soo (Sam Quong), Arthur Franz (Del Enright), Tom Fujiwara (S.K. Shogi), Josie Over (Lilo), Mitch Mitchell (George Byas), Steve Logan (Peter Corman), Bruce Wilson (Larry)

Notable Guest Stars

John ColicosJohn Colicos Arthur FranzArthur Franz Tom FujiwaraTom Fujiwara
Jack SooJack Soo

Production Number: 1729-0271

Production Notes

  • Production assistance and consideration provided by United Airlines