Season 3 (Episode 11)
Air Date: 1 December 1973
Writer: Dee Murphey
Director: Alan Crosland
Recurring Actors/Characters
Tim Donnelly (Fireman Kelly), Michael Norell (Captain Stanley), Marco Lopez (Fireman Lopez), Mike Stoker (Fireman Stoker)
Guest Stars
Kip Niven (Bo Jensen), Patricia Hindy (Paula Slayton), Patricia Mattick (Kathy), Reva Rose (Edna Self), Russell Thorsen (George Burke), Ted Gehring (Roy Nelson), Jean E. London (1st Nurse), Hal K. Dawson (Old Man), Gail Bonney (Martha Burke)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Notes
- Paula Slayton (Patricia Hindy) is back to honour the promise she made in the Season 1 episode Mascot
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