Season 6 (Episode 10)
Air Date: 1 December 1968
Screenplay: Robert Holmes
Director: Robert Asher
Guest Stars
Andrew Keir (Gilbert Kirby), Jean Marsh (Anne Kirby), Mark Burns (Elliott Stratton), Gillian Lind (Mrs. Stratton), John Barron (Neal Lammerton), Geoffrey Chater (Carl Howard), Ronald Leigh-Hunt (John Ramsey), Victor Maddern (Jim Cowdry), John Boxer (Sir John Mulliner), Brian Badcoe (Dr. Downray), Leon Cortez (Mac), John Crocker (The Blind Man), Edward Harvey (The Sheriff), Clifford Parrish (Mrs. Roach), Dorethea Phillips (Mrs. Barnes)
Notable Guest Stars

Episode Notes
- Year: 1968
- Business: Imperial Engineering
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