Bonanza – The Sisters

The Sisters

Season 1 (Episode 14)

Air Date: 12 December 1959

Writer: Carey Wilber

Director: Christian Nyby

Adam has been courting saloon girl, Sue-Ellen Terry for several weeks. He is unsure of how he feels about her but has no plans to break it off, despite what other people and his father are saying about the girl and his relationship with her. However, when Sue-Ellen is shot and killed, Adam suddenly finds himself in jail on charges of murder.

Recurring Actors/Characters
Victor Sen Yung (Hop Sing)

Guest Stars
Buddy Ebsen (Sheriff Jesse Sanders), Fay Spain (Sue Ellen Terry), Jean Willes (Amelia Terry), Malcolm Atterbury (Ol’ Dixie), John Stephenson (John Henry), Charles Meredith (Referee at duel), Clarke Alexander (Man at Bar)

Notable Guest Stars

Buddy EbsenBuddy Ebsen
Fay SpainFay Spain
Jean WillesJean Willes

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Adam
  • Saloon: The Empire
  • Business: Silver King Mining Company (Owner: John Henry)


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