Season 14 (Episode 10)
Air Date: 5 December 1972
Writer: Michael Landon
Director: Michael Landon
Recurring Actors/Characters
Bing Russell (Clem)
Guest Stars
Jack Albertson (Jonathon May), John Randolph (Mr. Dawson), Marty McCall (Tim), Carol Lawson (Mrs. Holcombe), Irene Tedrow (Miss Gaines), Dan Ferrone (Mr. Holcombe), Jerry Harper (Silas), Harry Holcombe (Dr. Martin), Timothy Marshall (Robbie), Penelope Gillette (Mrs. Farmer)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Notes
- Original Title: The Sound of Loneliness
- David Canary does not appear in this episode
- This was another script Michael Landon would recycle as Little House on the Prairie’s “The Silent Cry”
Episode Notes
- Featured Character: Griff
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