Bonanza – The Storm

The Storm

Season 3 (Episode 19)

Air Date: 28 January 1962

Writer: Denne Petitclerc

Director: Lewis Allen

Captain Matthew White and his daughter, Laura come to stay with the Cartwrights. Joe and Laura used to be childhood friends and she still harbours romantic feelings towards him. Initially, Joe isn’t interested but when they are forced to spend the night in cabin due to a storm, he falls in love with her. They plan to marry but for some reason her father is not too pleased.

Guest Stars
Frank Overton (Capt. Matthew White), Brooke Hayward (Laura White)

Notable Guest Stars

Brooke HaywardBrooke Hayward

Production Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Joe
  • The Cartwrights visited New Orleans, 12 years prior to the time of this episode


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