Other Recurring Characters
Belden (L.Q. Jones)
Felicity’s Spring; Big Image….Little Man; The Girl From Yesterday; Portrait of a Widow; The Payment; Two Men Named Laredo; You Take the High Road; Shadows of the Past; Old Cowboy; We’ve Lost a Train
Barney Wingate (Roy Engel)
The Stallion; Return a Stranger; Portrait of a Widow; A Man of the People; You Take the High Road; Timberland
Dr. Spalding (John Bryant)
- Initials – R.M. (Old Cowboy)
Ryker; Dark Challenge; Two Men Named Laredo; Hideout; Lost Yesterday
Sheriff John Brannan (Harlan Warde)
The Payment; Six Graves at Cripple Creek; Lost Yesterday; Shadows of the Past
Steve Hill (Gary Clarke)
- Grew up with Jane Caryle in Kansas City and hasn’t seen her in five years (The Girl from Yesterday)
- Has never been to San Francisco (The Girl from Yesterday)
Felicity’s Spring; Big Image….Little Man; The Girl from Yesterday
Sheriff Mark Abbott (Ross Elliott)
Ryker; A Gallows for Sam Horn
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