Season 5 (Episode 10)
Air Date: 8 December 1963
Writer: Ed Adamson
Director: Richard Sarafin
Recurring Actors/Characters
Kathie Browne (Laura Dayton), Katie Sweet (Peggy Dayton)
Guest Stars
Jacqueline Loughery (The “Other Woman”), Wayde Preston (Frank Dayton), Bill Quinn (Walt), Craig Duncan (Wagon Driver)
Production Notes
- Michael Landon does not appear in this episode
- The first of four episodes where Kathie Browne plays Laura Dayton, the love interest of Adam Cartwright
- This was suppose to be the first episode in a series of eight to ten episodes leading to the marriage of Laura Dayton and Adam Cartwright – resulting in the eventual departure of Pernell Roberts
Episode Notes
- Featured Cartwright: Adam
- Headstone: Frank Dayton – Devoted Husband of Laura; Loving Father of Peggy. Born Jan 6, 1828; Died Feb 20, 1861
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