Hawaii Five-O – The Waterfront Steal

The Waterfront Steal

Season 8 (Episode 11)

Air Date: 21 November 1975

Writer: Albert Aley

Director: Allen Reisner


Recurring Actors/Characters
Richard Denning (Governor), Herman Wedemeyer (Duke Lukela)

Guest Stars
Simon Oakland (Mendoza), Kathy Beller (Elena Mendoza), David “Lippy” Espinada (H. Kaneho), Tommy Fujiwara (Luis Kimura), Alan Naluai (Zeno), Ric Marlow (Harry), Nat Coleman (Watchman), Herb Armstrong (Dorrow), Ethel Azama (Maid), Chuck Couch (H.P.D. Boxer), Jay Jay Kelii (Mechanic), Vince Priore (Charlie), Richard Hatch (Tommy)

Notable Guest Stars

Kathleen BellerKathy Beller

Production Number: 1310-1729-0557


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