Bonanza – The Way of Aaron

The Way of Aaron

Season 4 (Episode 24)

Air Date: 10 March 1963

Writer: Raphael Blau

Director: Murray Golden

Adam meets Rebecca Kaufman, the daughter of a local peddler. He is immediately smitten and convinces his father to hold a party for the Kaufmans. On his way to Carson City to invite them, Adam is surprised to see they have stopped for the night. Aaron Kaufman is a devout Jew and keeps strictly to the rules of the Sabbath. However, shortly after Adam leaves, two robbers hold up the Kaufmans and it soon becomes apparent that Aaron may have to do something he never expected to do.

Guest Stars
Ludwig Donath (Aaron Kaufman), Aneta Corsaut (Rebecca Kaufman), Jason Wingreen (Hank), Dean Stanton (Styles), Sarah Selby (Mrs. Cardiff)

Notable Guest Stars

Aneta CorsautAneta Corsaut Harry Dean StantonDean Stanton

Episode Notes

  • Featured Cartwright: Adam
  • The Kaufmans live in Carson City