Bonanza – Three Brides for Hoss

Season 7 (Episode 22)

Air Date: 20 February 1966

Writer: Jo Pagano

Director: Ralph E. Black


Recurring Actors/Characters
Victor Sen Yung (Hop Sing)

Guest Stars
Stuart Erwin (Jester McGillicuddy), Majel Barrett (Annie Slocum), Mitzi Hoag (Libby Spencerfield), Danielle Aubry (Yvette), Claude Hall (Ned Slocum), Wynn Pearce (Jed Slocum), Sharyl Locke (Jenny McGillicuddy), Orville Sherman (Matt), Grandon Rhodes (Doctor)

Notable Guest Stars

Majel BarrettMajel Barrett
Mitzi HoagMitzi Hoag


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