Season 6 (Episode 22)
Air Date: 13 May 1999
Writer: Ernest Kinoy
Director: Ron Satlof
Recurring Actors/Characters
Kim Little (Susan)
Guest Stars
Kathleen Quinlan (Dr. Kate DeLibe), Phyllis Frelich (Frances Lamar), Sarah Hudnut (Miss Goodman), Scott Lawrence (D.A. Patterson), Arlene Malinowski (Sign Language Interpreter), Arthur Rosenberg (Harold Lomax), Alan Toy (Frank Dugan), Meg Wittner (Lois Dugan), Ric Coy (Michael Dutton), Richard Hoyt Miller (Bailiff)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Notes
- This Episode is dedicated to the Memory of Dr. Elsie Giorgi
Episode Notes
- Location: County Courts Building
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