Season 8 (Episode 14)
Air Date: 18 December 1966
Teleplay: Mort Thaw and Mary Terri Taylor
Story: Mary Terri Taylor and Thomas Thompson
Director: William Witney
Recurring Actors/Characters
Ray Teal (Roy Coffee), Victor Sen Yung (Hop Sing)
Guest Stars
Janet De Gore (Allie Miller), Michael Witney (Jess Miller), Teddy Quinn (Tommy Miller), Frank Puglia (Brother Nicholas), Jorge Moreno (Waiter), Grandon Rhodes (Doctor), Rodolfo Hoyos Jr. (Police Chief)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Notes
- The outdoor scenes for this episodes was filmed at Janns Conejo Ranch
Episode Notes
- Featured Cartwrights: Ben and Hoss
- Allie’s father according to Ben was the best ranch foreman he ever had. Allie was bought up on the Ponderosa and considers it home.
- Tommy is seven years old and Jess Miller is his stepfather
- Brother Nicholas is a monk
- Business: Overland Stage Lines
- Town: Elm City
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