Season 9 (Episode 5)
Air Date: 28 October 1976
Writer: Charles Larson
Director: Jerry London
Recurring Actors/Characters
Amanda McBroom (Sandi Welles), Al Eben (Doc Bergman)
Guest Stars
Cliff Gorman (Robert Huston), Udana Power (Julia), Boris Aplon (Vaughn), Linda Ryan (Hazel Parr), Bill Edwards (Jonathan Kaye), Susie Burke (Stewardess), Harold Iseko (Dave), Jerry Cox (Young), Mel Proctor (Tour Leader), Ted Scott (Mr. X), Jerry Velasco (Cab Driver), Michael Markrich (Khaldoon), Ben Fromme (Aide)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0608
Episode Notes
- Location: Sea Breeze
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