Season 8 (Episode 19)
Air Date: 29 January 1976
Writer: Bill Stratton
Director: Ernest Pintoff
Recurring Actors/Characters
Harry Endo (Che Fong), Herman Wedemeyer (Duke Lukela), Peggy Ryan (Jenny Sherman)
Guest Stars
Lee Purcell (Molly Taggart), Kenneth O’Brien (Oscar), Lou Richards (Draper Taggart), Chuck-Chuck Akamine (Tonker), Billy Roessler (Blooey), Susie Burke (Sheila Romney), Byron Akiona (Carl), Joe Moore (TV News Announcer), Wallace Landford (Soma), Kalani Kinimaka (Lt. Olana), John Thorp (Bystander)
Notable Guest Stars

Production Number: 1310-1729-0574
Production Notes
- Technical Advisor on Hang Gliding Sequences: John Thorp
- American Cinema Editors, USA (Eddie) Nomination: Best Edited Episode from a Television Series (Jack Gleason)
- The first of two appearances by Lee Purcell as Molly Taggart
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