Season 3 (Episode 30)
Air Date: 21 April 1965
Writer: Borden Chase
Director: Earl Bellamy
Recurring Actors/Characters
L.Q. Jones (Belden)
Guest Stars
Neville Brand (Reese), Peter Brown (Chad), William Smith (Riley), Philip Carey (Captain Parmalee), Fernando Lams (Captain Estrada), Rhonda Fleming (Carmelita Flanagan), Ida Lupino (Mama Dolores), Bing Russell (The Man), Alberto Morin (Alvarez), David Renard (The 3rd Rurale Guard), House Peters Jr. (The Bartender), David Cadiente (Yaqui “A”), Holly McIntire (The Girl), Teresa Terry (Estrallita), Priscilla Garcia (Gaviota), Ralph Neff (The Stable Owner), Andy Romano (The 2nd Rurale Guard), Ruben Moreno (The Yaqui Chief), Michael Cullen (The Ranger), Zon Murray (The 1st Gunman), Pete Dunn (The 2nd Gunman), X Brands (The 3rd Gunman)
Production Notes
- Lee J. Cobb and Clu Gulager do not appear in this episode
- This episode was a backdoor pilot for the TV series Laredo (1965-1967)
- Song: Raise a Ruckus Tonight (Minstrel song)
Episode Notes
- Towns: Laredo, Texas; Palmero, Mexico
- Business: Cactus Saloon (Laredo)
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